Running in a Midwest Wonderland

Running in a Midwest Wonderland

By Ornery Author Ryan Chukuske


Do you want to know what’s great about being a runner in the Midwest during the winter? Everything. Yep. You read that correctly. Everything. It’s a magical time of the year. The snow, the cold, the crisp air. All of it. As kids, we loved the snow and all the fun that surrounded it. Snowball fights, building forts and snowmen. Hearing the wonderful news that school is cancelled and now the entire day is reserved for outdoor shenanigans (sorry to the younger generation reading this. You may not have the luxury of snow days like us old timers).


I can hear some of you right now. A resounding sigh of contempt for one of life’s simple pleasures. Midwest winter running. But let’s break it down. First and foremost, some of the more popular trails that are consumed by weekend hikers, bikers, dogs that are supposed to be on leashes, large families enjoying sunshine and your first-time trail visitors are now replaced by the solitude that many of us enjoy in our longer excursions. Old man winter is your only companion and his voice constantly whispers words of encouragement.


If you typically listen to music during your runs, try just this once to pull the plug and listen as the crunch of snow emanates from each footfall, sometimes amplified by the vast emptiness of the environment with no foliage to mute the noise. Concentrate on your breathing as you watch the patches of warm air steam from your mouth. Listen as the leafless trees clack their branches together as the brisk wind whips through as if they are clapping for each step of your progress. Your own personal cheering section.  


Now let’s add another exciting element to Midwest winter running. Getting to do it while it’s actively snowing. Do you remember playing with snow globes? Everyone love snow globes, right? Imagine getting to escape into your own snow globe world. Magical. Suddenly, those empty, clacking tree branches have this amazing, picturesque covering of snow in which the beauty can hardly be captured in words or photos. It has to be experienced in person. As the snowflakes drop majestically from above, the world suddenly feels a lot smaller and a sense of peace washes over you.


Next up is my personal favorite. There are no insects trying to derail you from the tranquility of trail running. Not a single one. And if you have ever been in a death battle with swarms of biting flies, you know exactly what I’m talking about. I have bailed on too many runs to mention due to the victory of those nasty, relentless vampire flies and there is no amount of bug spray that can subdue their attacks. They win every time. But not in the winter. Oh no. The winter belongs to us. Now is our time. Our time is now.


On a final note, it’s important to say that you do need to be prepared to go and experience the most amazing running season of the Midwest year. It takes more than just your typical “lace up the shoes and hit the trail” routine. Gear is extremely important and can make or break a run. Like every other aspect of our sport, what works for one person may not work for another. For example, it has to get below 20 degrees before I even consider wearing more than shorts on my lower half. I run hot and don’t like if I sweat too much when it’s cold. You definitely want heat gear that also wicks away the moisture from your body. And there is not much worse than having your hands freeze. They become almost immobile once frozen making it more difficult to stay hydrated and take in trail snacks. So be smart about it and figure out what works best for you.


Once settled into the proper gear and positive winter mentality, you are ready to go out and get after what I promise will quickly become some of the most memorable trail running you can experience in our beautiful Midwest section of the country. There is so much more to explore in the winter and even the most familiar trails you run during other times of the year can become a brand-new adventure. If you need something to keep your mind occupied, take a look at the lyrics below (sing to the tune of the classic Walking in a Winter Wonderland). Stay ornery and journey on my friends.


Snowy footfalls, are you listening?

Down the trail, takes conditioning

Feeling so light

All seems so right

Running in a Midwest wonderland


Gone away are the insects

Even if we’re feeling windswept

The chill of the air

Any trail any where

Running in a Midwest wonderland


In the deep woods, we run ‘til tomorrow

We’ll pretend that we see Dean Karno

He’ll say, here’s a pizza

We’ll say, thanks man

I’ll get you back next time just so you know


Hours later, we’re still running

And the views are so stunning

To face the frostbite

Heading into the night

Running in a Midwest wonderland


In the deep woods, we run ‘til tomorrow

We’ll pretend that we see Dean Karno

He’ll say, here’s a pizza

We’ll say, thanks man

I’ll get you back next time just so you know


Hours later, we’re still running

And the views are so stunning

To face the frostbite

Heading into the night

Running in a Midwest wonderland

Running in a Midwest wonderland

Running in a Midwest wonderland



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