Thank you Volunteers!

We sent all the volunteers an email to the email address that you registered on ultrasignup with. The email comes from ultrasignup. If you did not see it then it may be in your spam or promo file, or you may not have officially registered to volunteer. We want to make sure all our volunteers are well cared for. Here is what we sent. Thank you!

Thank you for volunteering at the Hennepin Hundred!

The runners came to the finish line glowing with stories of volunteers caring for them.

You made the day for many people and are appreciated.


Race credits- we are sending race credits again this year. They will be attached to your email address you used when signing up. You will be able to log into your ultrasignup account to see the credit. This is done in November.


Volunteer gift- we want each of you to have a thank you gift from the race. We did our best to get one to each of you. If you were missed please let us know and we will mail you one. You can ask here. LINK


Ornery Mule Coin- we hope you grabbed yours from the volunteer swag. Collect them, you will be able to turn them in for something cool! We give them at all OMR races.


Aid station captains- thank you for going above and beyond to care for runners. We would like to reimburse you for any extra cost you had. Please use this form for expenses and we will mail you a reimbursement. LINK


VIP Volunteer Party- we hope you can join us on November 20th. RSVP LINK


Thank you! With your help we were able to make a $5,000 donation to IDNR for maintenance of the Hennepin Canal trail, $1,000 to the Colona Fire Department, $500 to the Henry County Search and Rescue and $250.00 to Sterling Park District. 


Kindness, community &  ordinary people doing extraordinary things! You are making a positive impact in this world!


Thank you,

Michele Hartwig- RD and the Ornery Mule Racing team

Michele Hartwig